Carol Mersky - Our Featured Artist for June

   Carol Mersky is a lifelong crafter with a penchant for needlework. From sewing her own clothes to knitting, crocheting, quilting and needlepoint, she has aways cherished the art of handmade gifts. Encouraged by friends, Carol began selling her creations including needlepoint dolls and sayings. Always open to new challenges and ideas, her latest endeavor involves repurposing old sweaters into cozy quilts for her family, infusing new life into beloved garments that have outlived their usefulness.

   As a valued artisan at the Dedham Exchange, Carol finds fulfillment and joy in her craft, grateful for the opportunity to share her passion and creativity with others. For Carol, creating handcrafted gifts has always held a special significance, believing that the time and effort invested imbue each piece with a unique touch of love and care. Many of her creations have found their way into the hands of friends and family, cherished for their personal connection and thoughtful craftsmanship.